Feeling burnt out? Yeah, I've been there...
Jennifer Wolfe-Hagstrom Jennifer Wolfe-Hagstrom

Feeling burnt out? Yeah, I've been there...

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

I’ve been there many times actually. This isn’t typically something I’m proud of, especially in our culture that praises hustle, rugged individualism, and pushing through anything that might get in one’s way - no matter the cost.

Well, when the cost is as high as your mental health, functioning, and cognitive abilities, I’d say it’s too expensive for me.

My burnout times have varied in severity, stage of life, and even in my own recognition of them. It’s actually quite common to be experiencing many symptoms of burnout without ever realizing it is happening (see comment about our culture above). So if this is happening for you, please know you aren’t alone!

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